Tuesday, August 3, 2010


So according to a calculator I found online and according to a date I wrote down a few weeks ago but am now second guessing for no reason, I hit the halfway mark on my 101 on Wednesday, July 28. So I decided it's time to take inventory of the list and what things don't make sense any more, aren't realistic or plain need to change.

The rules? I can't change anything just because I don't want to do it anymore. The challenges I change have to be because of a valid reason (finances, location etc.), and I think the replacement challenge should stay in the same vein (creative, food etc.)

15. Knit / crochet 15 projects from my 2009 calendar (0/15) will become:
15. Finish knitting the grey scarf I began in the fall of junior year of college.
Because: I don't knit anymore, and I don't really have the desire to. It's time consuming, and unless I'm doing a straight knit, I can't do anything else at the same time -- no talking, no TV -- which makes it incredibly boring. But I do need to finish that scarf, because let's be serious, it's just embarrassing that it's taken me three years to knit a 5-foot, knit/purl scarf.

19. Find and print some of my own photos for my parents' basement will become:
19. When I finish the 26 Things Challenge, make a photobook of the images.
Because: I originally put this on the challenge because my dad talked about it a lot. I think he had a grand vision of the basement without Adam's toys sprawled out everywhere. But as it turns out, an 8-year-old cares even less about keeping things neat / picked up / classy than a 4-year-old. So I don't know that it's realistic to put black and white photos on the wall and have Transformers strewn about.

28. Sit in the audience of a late-night talk show will become:
28. See a comedy or improv show.
Because: I sincerely dislike late-night talk shows other than Conan, and I don't see myself making a trip to California any time soon. But I still like to laugh, and I know there is an improv group in Harrisburg.

33. Learn to surf will become:
33. Do something (similar) outside of my comfort zone.
Because: I know that even if I get to a beach this summer or next, I will not take surfing lessons... and I am having a total brain fart as to what to do instead. But I'll replace this with something sports-related when I think of it.

54. Climb the rock wall at UREC will become:
54. Get enough upper body strength to do at least 10 real pushups.
Because: I don't know when I'll be at UREC again. But it's really equally challenging. You think real pushups aren't hard? Because they are. Because currently, I can do about two modified (read: girl) pushups, and then I cry. Which is embarassing, even when the only things that can see me are my plants.

55. Try six new classes at UREC at least two times each will become:
55. Try six different workouts at home at least two times each.
Because: I'm still trying to save money by working out at home instead of using a gym, and this will accomplish the same goal of trying new exercises and not getting bored or stuck in a rut.

85. Visit a country in Europe will become:
85. Plan a stateside European mini-vacation.
Because: In between the cost of a trip to Europe and the vacation time it would suck up, I'm replacing this with a "pretend southcentral Pennsylvania is Europe" expedition. A friend at work did this and said it was actually kind of fun. So I don't have the details planned, but it will probably involve wine, so you really can't lose.

88. Go on three interesting dates with Chris will become:
88. Make three new friends in Carlisle.
Because: Chris and I aren't dating anymore. But also because friends are a nice thing to have.

94. Buy / receive a new lens for my SLR camera will become:
94. Learn to use my SLR camera.
Because: I was understanding it OK after my photojournalism course, but since then I've slowly regressed to keeping it on automatic, which is not the point with a SLR. There are some inexpensive classes through community centers in the area, so it shouldn't be too hard to find one. And it doesn't make sense to buy ultra-expensive equipment for a camera I can't even understand.

So I changed nine things, which comes in under my maximum of 10. Success!

1 comment:

  1. this makes perfect sense to me and i think you've got some great updated goals. although surfing is a blast! i've never taken lessons but the few times i've tried have been fantastic. congrats on halfway and good luck with the second half!
