Thursday, November 18, 2010


13. Complete a soundtrack to '09, '10 & '11 (1/3) - in progress

Added a few songs -- four, to be exact -- for the fall.

98. Added October 26: Paint my picture frames and hang them on my wall in my living room - accomplished

OK credit for this goes entirely to Miss Mayhew for motivating me to finally get off my butt and get the spray paint at Home Depot. I painted them over two days last week and then hung them up today. I like them a lot, although it's not quite what I'd expected.

I also didn't want to put holes in my wall, so I used the 3M picture hangers and I'm absolutely terrified of hearing one crash to the floor when I'm trying to fall asleep tonight. On a brighter note, I was so dang handy putting them up. Used a level and everything.

-- Till next time.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Oh hi November.

I guess I took an unintentional (and rather long) hiatus from updating, but the good news is, I have done a few things in the past six weeks.

25. Learn to cook 52 recipes and organize them in one place (36/52) - in progress

-- My own pizza dough! Half whole wheat, half white flour. It was super delicious, although the recipe I had makes a bit too thick of a crust for my liking. I know making your own dough or bread takes the whole afternoon and is a lot more effort than buying it at the grocery, but it feels so rustic and I take probably too much pride in it when I'm done.

-- A greek chicken / orzo dish that was absolutely delicious. The oregano and the feta and the kalamata olives were all delicious. And as it turns out, so is orzo.

-- Barbecue pulled chicken in the slow cooker. Surprisingly few ingredients, and the slow cooker just makes everything so easy. Except when it comes time to do the dishes.

-- Beef stew. It's my mom's recipe, and it seemed expensive to buy all the ingredients at the grocery, but once it was done I think I have like nine or 10 servings. Used the slow cooker for this one too, so all I had to do was chop everything up and check back four hours later.

30. Use my library card to take out 25 books (21/25) - in progress

I went into the library about a month ago because my copy of Charlie St. Cloud was finally available on hold, and while I was there, I picked up "This Is Just Exactly Like You" on a whim in the new fiction section. Turns out I checked out Charlie St. Cloud in Spanish, so I returned that and stuck with TIJELY. It was about an autistic kid and his parents' struggles, and although I'm not sure I really liked the ending, I did like the book.

32. Attend at least one sports event a season (3/12) - in progress

I went to my cousin's water polo meet (match?) at Cumberland Valley this past weekend, and despite never having seen a water polo meet/match and really not knowing anything about it, I got REALLY into the game. It's OK though, we won. And by we I mean North Allegheny, my cousin's team.

72. Attend at least 10 free community events (4/10) - in progress

I went with one of my co-workers to a cake competition / fundraiser for Project SHARE / PR event for CPYB's premiere of Hansel & Gretel a few weeks ago. It was some free cookies and a chance to voice on these super elaborate cakes that pastry chefs had constructed. It was fun, and it was also my first time downtown in Harrisburg.

91. Acquire a new cell phone - completed

Truth, ladies and gentlemen. After six years, three months and 15 days... I got a new cell phone. It was strange to go into the Verizon store because I all of a sudden realized I didn't know what I was doing at all -- because I'd never replaced my phone. My six-year-old phone was my only phone I'd ever had. Oh the memories... But I really like my new phone, so bonus.

98. To be added October 26, 2010

Shoot. Guess I should've checked back on this earlier. Although I knew almost immediately when I saw this what I wanted it to be -- Paint my empty picture frames and put them on my wall. I've wanted to make this collage since I moved in May, and I've had the frames since August. I need to get off my laurels before it starts snowing and get it done.

-- Till next time... which hopefully is sooner than six weeks :)