Monday, February 28, 2011

Three-day weekend!

Nothing like having an normal, Saturday-Sunday weekend off -- plus an extra day on Monday!

30. Use my library card to take out 25 books (25/25) - accomplished

When I was home last weekend, I was in the local bookstore downtown and I found four or five books that looked like ones I would love to read -- but in the spirit of not relying on my parents as much, I decided to write down the titles and check for them at the library instead of letting my mom buy me one. So I took out "You Don't Look Like Anyone I Know" by Heather Sellers, and then "The Dirty Life: On Farming, Food and Love" by Kristin Kimball. (Side note: Why yes I did just try to search for that second title on Amazon for a few minutes -- to no avail -- to avoid getting up and walking the ten feet around my bed to just look at the book. Lazy day much?) I started reading the Sellers book, which is about a rare neurological disorder called face blindness, where you don't recognize people by their facial features. It sounds interesting, but I've been less than impressed through it.

But I will say, I love the library! I am not really that surprised that I didn't take advantage of it while I was in Harrisonburg because I rarely read for pleasure, but I am sincerely glad I got a library card when I moved because I enjoy being able to try new books without having to commit to them -- like if I'd spent money on the Sellers book, I'd probably have regretted it.

32. Attend at least one sports event a season (4/12) - in progress

I feel like if this blog were under scrutiny, this would not count, but since it clearly is not: I went to Adam's third-grade basketball game when I was home last weekend. It was way too much fun to watch him play, and despite the fact I had to wake up at 7:30 a.m., I really did enjoy it. Kids' games are just fun to watch, I think. The parents around me probably enjoyed my running commentary less, but my mom thinks I'm funny. And what else is life about, really? That's right, moms know best.

55. Try six new workouts at home at least two times each (0/6) - in progress

This one has changed yet again because I finally joined a gym. But it doesn't have classes, so I went through the magazine workouts I'd saved and made myself a "Day Two" of weight-lifting exercises to do. My "Day One" is what I've always done, so the second option lets me try new things and work out different muscles. So that's workout No. 1, the first time.

56. Work out 2-3 times a week (35/143) - in progress

Made it last week -- only three times, but I was hurting from lifting my fun five-pound weights, which, by the way, might as well have Barbies on them for all the cred I have at the gym. Talk about starting slow...

-- Till next time.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Like a champ.

1. Redraft "Savannah" at least five times, at least one months apart (1/5) - in progress

Savannah is a short story I wrote in college that became strangely autobiographical soon after I wrote it. Despite the fact I was wildly proud of it when I first wrote it, when I re-read it now I can see clearly what everyone meant when they critiqued it. So I set up camp in Panera one Monday afternoon to work on it (finally). It's much harder than I expected it to be, but I suppose at least I started.

25. Learn to cook 52 new recipes and organize them in one place (37/52) - in progress

I made Buffalo Chicken Dip when I was home for the Super Bowl. It wasn't as good as I remember my aunt's being at Christmas, but then I brought some home and reheated it a few times for a snack and I think the secret is that it has to be very hot.

30. Use my library card to take out 25 books (24/25) - in progress

A copy of the third book in the Millennium trilogy, "The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest" became available, so I took that out -- and then I picked up a new nonfiction called "Some We Love, Some We Hate, Some We Eat," which was about relationships with animals and was surprisingly interesting.

56. Exercise 2-3 times a week (36/143) - in progress

Awww yeah, joined a gym. After approximately eight months of watching 900 hours of TV a week and sleeping till noon (and approximately three months of shivering under a heated blanket and starkly refusing to leave the warmth of my bed), I just committed to it. So I did the elliptical twice last week and then so far this week I did the elliptical once, treadmill twice and a yoga workout at home. Next week I might even venture out into weights. Look at me go, ya'll.

57. Get the HPV vaccine - completed

I got my last shot when I was home last weekend, so I'm three for three.

-- Till next time.