Saturday, March 14, 2009

43. Open a CD to last until I graduate

Status: accomplished.

So I jumped the gun a little bit, but I'm done with spring break tomorrow and my bank is at home, so I wanted to open the CD before I went back to school. My dad has been on my case for a while recently because I was earning very little interest in my savings account. Here's the thing though, I had to Google what CD stood for -- certificate of deposit, if you wanted to know -- and when the bank representative told me my interest rate on the CD, I wasn't too impressed. All in all, I'll make about $135 of free money in the next year in exchange for not touching the account until March 14, 2010.

And then, of course, she told me about all the other options a young adult like myself has to earn free money through the stock market and annuities, other things I don't understand. Maybe that should have been a goal on my 101 list: expand my vocabulary to include financial terms so I don't end up investing in a cardboard box community on the streets of NYC.

Although, I'd like to think I'm a snippet smarter than that.

Till next time-

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, your list is great. I'm inspired by it. The space allotted for daily tasks in my planner gets filled up so quickly that I use the "notes" space in the back for broader goals, and then I end up paper clipping monthly accomplishments within the book. So clearly...I should just make a list like yours!

    It was really fun to read your list, and I would love to make comments on every one of them but I'll start with the one that stuck out to me the most--#41 under Education/Exploration: Wake up for a sunrise.

    The reason 41 stuck out to me so much is because it's funny to see something so simple next to "try 15 new restaurants," which clearly takes a lot more time than waking up at 5 a.m. on one morning. But that's what so great about your list--it reminds us that we can get so overwhelmed with the tedious tasks in life that we forget it won't kill us to set our alarms 3 hours early to experience nature's beauty.

    BUT, if you really can't force yourself out of bed, try getting in a fight with your boyfriend that keeps the two of you awake so long that when you finally settle the dispute, you decide to drive out to a park in DC to watch the sun rise...worked for Adam and me!
